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August 2024: Exploring Context

The biggest change you’ll see in the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE) with the latest release is the addition of the date filter to the IPC Domains. We’ve also added a wealth of new documentation about the data available in the FDE, with a current focus the Crop Domain. In our latest how to video, take a tour through the FDE Knowledge Base to learn all about the resources available there.

Date filter added to IPC Domains

You can now filter by Start date and End date in the Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Domain and the Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Domain.

The search results will automatically populate after selecting a date range.

Watch our how to video for more information on using this filter.

About Our Data pages

The new About Our Data pages in the FDE Knowledge Base provide country-specific information about our data and data collection methodologies. In particular, we’ve added context for the data available in the Crop Domain. Additional countries and domain-specific information will be added in the future.

Recent bug fixes

  • The functionality of the Geographic and Market filters was consolidated in the Exchange Rates domain. Markets or countries can now be selected under the Geographic filter.

  • The Start date and End date filters were not being applied correctly in the extract when data series were selected individually. Data extracts now filter by date as expected.

  • Links to domains in the My top pages widget of the FDE home page were not working. The widget now provides working links to the expected domains.

▶️ How to series: using the FDE Knowledge Base

The FDE Knowledge Base is full of information that can help you get the most out of the platform. Watch now to learn more, then check out the rest of our how to series.
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