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June 2024: Refined Exploration

The latest release of the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE) brings several improvements to the start and end date filters and a few notable bug fixes. Watch our latest how to video for a deeper dive into using the start and end date filters to browse data based on the period date of the data points in a data series.

FDE date filter usability improvements

It’s now easier to take advantage of the functionality of the start and end date filters, thanks to the following refinements:

  • The start and end date fields are combined into a single date range picker.

  • A tooltip provides guidance on the functionality of the fields.

  • All preview options and the data extract now match the date range inputs.

FDE date range.gif

Setting a date range refines your results to show only data series that have at least one data point with a period date within the range.

Recent bug fixes

  • Users were not receiving the expected email notification after requesting a link to reset their password. The notification email is now sent after clicking the Submit button on the Forgot Password screen.

  • Users were unable to save multiple parameters with the Save Search functionality. Save Search is now working as expected.

▶️ How to series: using the start and end date filters

You can use the start and end date filters to browse data series that contain at least one data point with a period date within your specified date range. This also allows you to preview and extract data points from within a given date range. Watch now to learn more, then check out the rest of our how to series.
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