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November 2024: Refreshed Options

The latest release to the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE) bring several updates to the Spatial Domain, including the option to download data in TopoJSON format. Additionally, 2023 Landscan data is now the default for calculating population estimates for spatial data.

We've also renamed several columns in the Data Series table across multiple domains to improve clarity and make the data easier to understand.

Watch our latest how to video to learn more about the options for customizing and downloading data from FDE.

Spatial Domain updates

TopoJSON spatial data extracts

You can now select to access spatial data in TopoJSON format from the file format dropdown. 

TopoJSON encodes geometry as topology and, compared to GeoJSON, avoids the duplication of shared spatial data. This is particularly relevant for shared arcs where boundaries overlap.

Spatial domain TopoJSON file format.png

2023 Landscan data

The default option for calculating population estimates in the Spatial domain has been updated to use the newly available 2023 Landscan data, superceding the 2022 Landscan data.

Learn more about accessing population estimates, including options to change the population source and year.

Renamed Data Series columns

Three columns in the Data Series table were renamed to clarify their meaning. The First, Last, and Count columns are now renamed to First collection date, Last collection date, and Data Point count.

The Data Series Table includes 8 columns.

▶️ How to series: data extract options

FDE offers domain-specific options for customizing and extracting data. Watch now to learn more, then check out the rest of our how to series.
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